Our Painting Services
Interior Painting and Exterior Painting
Painting Contractors
Specializing in Custom Homes, New Construction Residential and Commercial
For Painting or any type of wall covering, doing a thorough work surface
preparation,including but not limited to caulking, patching, sanding, and
priming, Top quality materials and meticulous
We can clean away mold, salt,
dirt and mildew from all types of surfaces including brick, vinyl, wood,
Concrete, masonry, and roofs.
Stop water
intrusion coat your stucco, block and masonry problem areas with
Deck/Fence Finishes
Choose from numerous
finish options from clear water repellants to water based or oil based
Textured Ceilings and Walls
Minimize the sight
of scratches, dents and damage, install or repair textures such as popcorn
ceilings,Knockdown Texture,Splatter Texture and many others for your Interior walls
and rugged surfaces that withstand frequent washing.
Choose from a variaty of natural, semi transparent or solid color stains
that can be used on your home, deck, driveway, garage floor and various other
Your Painting Contractor Professionals serving Hickory NC and
Surrounding areas.
Contact us today and "Experience The
Real Difference"
Painting Contractors
Specializing in Custom Homes, New Construction Residential and Commercial
For Painting or any type of wall covering, doing a thorough work surface
preparation,including but not limited to caulking, patching, sanding, and
priming, Top quality materials and meticulous
We can clean away mold, salt,
dirt and mildew from all types of surfaces including brick, vinyl, wood,
Concrete, masonry, and roofs.
Stop water
intrusion coat your stucco, block and masonry problem areas with
Deck/Fence Finishes
Choose from numerous
finish options from clear water repellants to water based or oil based
Textured Ceilings and Walls
Minimize the sight
of scratches, dents and damage, install or repair textures such as popcorn
ceilings,Knockdown Texture,Splatter Texture and many others for your Interior walls
and rugged surfaces that withstand frequent washing.
Choose from a variaty of natural, semi transparent or solid color stains
that can be used on your home, deck, driveway, garage floor and various other
Your Painting Contractor Professionals serving Hickory NC and
Surrounding areas.
Contact us today and "Experience The
Real Difference"